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Movie Review: Idiocracy – Broad-stroke satire about future America that’s like crossing Sleeper with Fox News 6/10


An interesting but not entirely successful satire of the state of America, where a reasonably likeable Army slacker and a prostitute are used in a cryogenics experiment that goes wrong, and they wake up 5 hundred years in the future.

They wake up in an America that’s an extension of what was the Bush years, where the stupid have completely outbred the smart, so everyone is pretty much mentally deficient.  These people make Beavis and Butthead look like Carl Sagan.

Whilst it doesn’t have enough laughs to be a really good comedy, it’s got some spot-on observations (The Fox News inserts, with a topless, buff anchorman, and a anchorlady wearing a sexy basque are funny, as is a president who is an adult movie star/wrestler), and can be kind of depressing because it does hit the mark of how America sometimes seems to be going.

The two leads are quite likeable, there’s some meandering parts, but on the whole, I enjoyed watching it.